Craniosacral Therapist | Hands On Healing
Frances has been practicing craniosacral therapy since 2011. She’s a certified Visionary Craniosacral Work® practitioner from the Milne Institute (USA) and a Registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (RCST) with The Pacific Association of Craniosacral Therapists (PACT). She studied Visionary Craniosacral Work® with Hugh Milne, D.O., an extremely gifted Scottish Osteopath who has formulated his own system which is a synthesis of osteopathy and craniosacral work, and Integrated CranioSacral Biodynamics with Rosemary Wallace, a very talented thanatologist and craniosacral therapist in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Frances also has a BA in Osteopathy from the National University of Medical Sciences (Madrid), as well as certification in Chi Nei Tsang (internal organ massage). Frances is dedicated to healing and learning, and aims to help her clients create an open heart, a clear mind and a free body.

Frances and Hugh Milne

In the zone

Delving into the Cranium
Why is cranial work effective?
In simple terms, if the cranial bones are not in the “right place,” then the brain and central nervous system cannot be in the “right place.” The hormonal system cannot perform optimally. Even though the cranial bones move only half the thickness of a sheet of writing paper, the human head is so delicate and so suffused with vital nerve pathways, that even slight deformations of a bone’s movement or position can produce physical or psychological symptoms, and often both.
When the cranial wave is distorted it also consumes or diverts a disproportionate amount of “chi,” or energy, lowers the strength of the immune system, and increases the likelihood of chronic states like depression becoming intractable. When the cranial wave is optimized, we feel “all of a whole,” we feel wonderful.
The optimum fluctuation of our energy field optimizes the functioning of our nervous system, and has a profound influence on our immune and hormonal systems. That is why some people whose conditions seem to be quite unrelated to the craniosacral system do feel much better after receiving the work.
Some dentists use it to make sure orthodontics are correctly fitted, and as part of their work with jaw joint or temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). Dentists find that a cap or filling that is even 3 microns too prominent (the thickness of fine dental carbon-paper) can cause jaw, neck and head pain—occasionally even knee dysfunction. When the prominence is removed, the patient often feels immediate and dramatic relief.
Craniosacral work is the only modality that specifically works with impacted sutures that can result from trauma to the head, releasing them through skilled and patient attention.
Hugh Milne, The Milne Institute
Contact Frances to make an enquiry or book a treatment.
Craniosacral Therapist
Hands On Healing
Chiang Mai, Thailand
+66 (0) 95 690 1976